Thursday, July 24, 2008


Smooth and happy shooting has change when Ms.S shows up, who act as Dawn elder sister and originally been chosen to act as main actress. In drama field, Ms.S is kind of famous and of cause is Dawn’s 前辈. Every time when the shot are just the 2 of them, Dawn will be the 箭靶, Ms.S will non stop quarrel and complaint about Dawn’s stage performance. And for a simple 1 shot Dawn has to repeat again and again. Not say it not good, is just this Ms.S said that she is a ‘perfectionist’. She can’t stand and don’t want there is a scar on a drama where she’s in it. At first Dawn try to ask for director is that scene so bad till need to repeat for so many times. Director don’t think so but he agree with what Ms.S complaint. Then Dawn knows that what she can do is pay 200% attention and act as best as she can. Also because Ms.S is前辈,Dawn has to obey in what she ordered. According to Ms.S by doing it own self just can show you’re sincere doing it. Dawn has no choice and she think if this can stop Ms.S by create other problem for her, she甘愿 to obey. This also cost Dawn been scold by her company cause she can’t be on time for SAND schedule and company think that she’s irresponsible towards SAND. Dawn feels 无奈 and helpless, but she accept it and she know this will happened when she accept this drama job. She tries hold herself by not telling anyone. But when today she steps out from manager room after another scolding, Dawn see Sam standing outside. Obviously she heard all those scolding by manager. Dawn smile warmly to Sam and tries to walk pass her.
“You 不打算 tell me what had happened on you?” When Dawn walks pass her, she asked softly. And Dawn knows that Sam is pressing herself to shout on her.
“ ....... If you don’t mind to company me walk under this cold day to our house nearby stall for my today 1st meal.” Dawn said it without stop and walking towards the entrance.
It was really cold to walk on road especially at night, and unfortunately is at night now. The 2 of them walk very fast and just took them half an hour to reach the hawker. Once reach, Dawn order 3 dishes and 2 bottle of Korean wine. It suitable to drink in this kind of day, this kind of weather, the topic they going to have.
"......." 2 of them just stare at each other.
“Ok. What you want to know?” Dawn surrender first.
“What you’ve not tell me that you should be have tell me.”
“hm…. I think got a bunch. HAHA~ Not that I don’t treat you as member, just I know that you also got things to frustrated on. So I just decided to tell you later.”
After an hour, Dawn has told out what she should or should not. Sam’s first sentence is
“You should tell me earlier. No wonder this day just after schedule you’re been call to manager oppa there. This is not your problem also. You sure no tell manager oppa all this right!” Sam confirms it.
“hehe~ If I tell don’t know will it sounds different hear by manager oppa.”
“You no try before how you know. Some more manager oppa is here to help us, not to spoil or hurt us.” Sam suddenly feels Dawn too stubborn and stupid. She even 翻白眼 to Dawn. Dawn think for awhile and decided to tell manager oppa tomorrow.
“Know what you need to do already?” Sam ask while Dawn decided to tell.
“Yup.” Scare Sam did not hear her, she nodded her head hardly.
“Ah cham! You no tell JJ also right?” Sam curiously asks. She found that this few days, Dawn was trying avoid JJ.
“Why?” Sam finds out when the topic change to JJ, Dawn is avoiding eyes contact with Sam.
“Nothing ah. Em…. Aiya this small matter no need to disturb him. Some more I don’t have the rights also.”
“Why? I thought that you ARE his girlfriend?”
“Em…. I’m not sure that am I. Or I should say, just I’m the one who think like this from the beginning.”
“What makes you think like this?” Sam feels this has destructing Dawn for a long period. “haha~ May be I think too much on it.” Dawn is trying to stop this conversation and Sam also let her be. But actually Sam already plans to held a talk with JJ.

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