Sunday, July 13, 2008


Since Sam, Alyn ,Nat & Dawn become SAND, a grils group that started in Korea. They are so busy in it, and they've been working out together with anouther guys group TVXQ. A sub story has begun and all this is because of FOOD.

A girl who so loves to cook & sings. SAND have been in Korea for almost 3 months. When SAND start up till now, Dawn have no chance to cook at all and everyday eat either korea food or fast food. At first is very enjoy and love with it, but it get bored by now. Since to day is a day which free of anything, so Dawn decided to cook for the 3 members. Eventhough she is ok with it but she think is a hard time for the others members. So now Dawn is shopping for her cooking ingredients aat her house nearby supermarket. This is the first time she actually shop in korea shupermarket. She so enjoying by shopping alone. listen to mp3 which full with TVXQ's songs and sings it out also. Although not loud, not noisy, but the people who walk by her will turn back and look at her once more. No care with how the way the people staring at her, she just be herself and having fun happy with it. Who cares ~! But she had no notice that she has been marked by a guy!

It has been a long time JJ has no cook for his members. Since the schedule is till 5pm only, so he decided to cook for his members. And because they not always staying in their house, so naturally there are nothing for him to cook. So he have to go out to hunt. JJ went to a farer supermarket to avoid causing trouble. While he steps in to supermarket, he accidently bump in with a girl that he has no noticed. He very fast face down and said "sorry". He scare been noticed, but the girl is out of his expectation, the girl no look at him at all, heard he say sorry then reply back with is ok then went off. First time JJ feel weird and that got girl just walk off from him easily, without see who is he. A curious and some unnotice feel came to him. JJ think for a while and no taking into heart and start his shopping . While he reach selling pork section, he hear a girl talking and argueing by herself, asking herself which packet of pork should she buy. She seems struggling at here for a while already. JJ curious about her, and looks up. Is the girl that he just bump in. He saw many expression shown on her face and JJ feel she is funny and weird. At last, she got to choose and walk to another section and JJ also silently following her. A while later, he just found out that most of the songs she listen is TVXQ's songs (because she got sing it out that's why JJ know it).
While following her, he noticed that lots of people stare her as a weird foreigner that talking with herself in broken korean, singing herself, suddenly looks sad, suddenly looks happy. When he realised most of the songs she sing is TVXQ's songs, out of a suddent he wanted to know who is the person she likes most in TVXQ. While thinking of it, the weird girl's phone ring, again use TVXQ's song as ringtone. Out of suddent of nervous, waiting her to answer her phone, guessing who will be her wallpaper choice. "YES!" accidently, happily shout out by JJ. 1.... 2.... 3.... second of silent, JJ face blush and the weird girl just look him as a NOISY guy and quickly walk off. JJ still blushing there but he feel very happy and excited. He saw himself in that girl's phone as wallpaper! At this moment of time he has no idea why he will act like this, whitout thinking twice he continue follow the werid girl, even follow her till her accomadation. Eventhough he had not buy anything but he got to hunt a precious.

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