Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Already 1 week after saw that weird girl. No matter how time goes by, the weird gril image still very clear in his mind. He tried to forget about her but her can't. So now he appear at the supermarket again. He was thinking that whether are they fated to meet each other again.

*pong* ACCIDENT bump a girl and a guy. 2 even fall on floor.

"ouch~!" both sound out together. Imediately look each other.
"~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" speechless for the girl. Can't speaks out a word and just keep on stare on JJ.
"Em .... Are you ok?" gently JJ ask the girl. Actually he scare weird girl get hurt, cause he can feel just know the
"Hello....???? Anyone stays inside?" while saying JJ uses his hand to knock werid girl's head.
"Hei~! It hurts~!" by saying so the weird girl use her hand to rub her head and her arm. Her arm get hurts when fall down that time and JJ saw it.
"Your arm is bleeding!"
"Oooo is ok, just a small matter. Later put plaster on can already." sound unseriously, and she plan to walk off from him again. JJ realize and quickly hold her hand and instaed walk in to supermarket, he bring her to his car. Without realizing the weird girl been bring up to JJ's car.
"Ouch~! Oh man, softer a bit please." When awake by the pain from injured part, weird girl just realize she already been place in JJ's car behind sit and he is cleaning her arm. At the same time weird girl can feel they are so near, she even can smell his hair with shampoo smell. Straight awasy her face blush, really like a tomato.
"Sorry, i'll try my best to do as soft as i can." by washing her injured arm, applied med, JJ also blow it while doing it. He think it may help to reduce the pain.
"Still feel pain?" after applied the med, the looks up and see the weird girl face in abnormal red.
"hm.... are you ok? Need to go hospital?" JJ looks very worried and check her arm, her forehead, her face.
"............... oh! ya! ya! .......I'm fine" at last the weird girl found her voice to talk, and more blush cause her mind just fly away by staring at JJ.
"Glad that you are fine."
"You worried on me?"
"Ya. I cause you fall down."
"Not all your fault also, I also got wrong, i just keep on looking and my phone."
"Why? Got something special?"
"Nope is JJ's newest.............." when the weird girl try to tell JJ that her phone JJ newest magaxine picture and has become her wallpaper. She stund and blush cause she saw JJ chiky smile. She just realize how stupid she is.
"I have to go now." she feel shy and shame if she stay longer at there.
"But you haven't show me what you have in your phone." JJ not letting her go off so easy, and he don't want she left without telling him her profile.
"HUH~! Em....... is just..... hm..... nothing special on it." the weird girl is trying so hrad to get out of the car. But JJ reach her hand and grab her place between him and the sofa.
They've been look at each other for a century long.

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