Thursday, July 24, 2008


The next day, again Dawn has been call to manager room. This time Dawn tells everything to manager. She very scare and don’t know what will manager oppa said and react.
“……” manager oppa just look at Dawn and can’t see any expression from his face.
“……” Dawn very scare, shivering waiting for manager oppa 责问.
“Why you wait for so long just tell me. You should tell me from the beginning.” Manager oppa 皱眉 telling.
“Em………” Dawn is speechless.
Manager oppa straightly take out his phone and call. Dawn was wondering who is he calling at this moment of time.
“Chui director? I’m Dawn’s manager. Do you have time to talk with me?”
all this questions appear in Dawn’s mind.
While Dawn is in her own wonderland wondering, manager oppa already finish talk with Chui director.
“Dawn~!” manager oppa 无奈 raise up voice to call Dawn up.
“Huh~! Oh Yeah!” Dawn face blush and stand straight up. She feels shy, and think how can she just think go her own wonderland at this time.
“I’ve already talk with director. He will take care of this. He feel sorry for you. He some more said that, proud of you. He very happy for your stage performance.” At last there is smile on manager oppa’s face.
“Really?! Hooo……” when Dawn sees there’s smile on manager oppa’s face, she feels relief. “Yup. Next time if again got something like that, the first thing you should come to me. Don’t every time been scold you just keep quiet at there. This is not helping either for you or me. 알아?” manager oppa sounds 心疼, and walk to Dawn rub her hair.
“Yup.” Dawn said it loudly and happily.
After the talk, Dawn feel like walking on a cloud, relief and relax.
“Ouch~” Dawn bang in a muscular wall.
“See you walk so happily must be your problem been settle already.” Dawn looks up, is JJ.
“Huh~! You are waiting for me?” Dawn will say like this because he just stands right at the corner from manager oppa’s office room.
“Em. Know that you AGAIN been call.” JJ purposely mentions ‘again’.
“Hehe~ you also know about it.” In Dawn's mind.
“Yup! And I’m very angry now. Cause I know it from Sam and I’m not the first one to be known. This also show that in you heart I am un-trustable.” JJ tries to sounds normal, but he getting angry until the end.
“NO~NO~NO~NO~NO~NO~ Don’t angry. I …. I doesn’t mean that. Uhhhh~ you know that I doesn’t mean that!” Dawn express it very 激动.
“Nope! I don’t know” JJ sounds so doesn’t matter.
“Uhhh~ don’t like that!” Dawn sounds crying and very nervous, afraid that JJ doesn’t want to border her anymore. While saying, she tries to hold JJ’s arm, try to cool down his anger. Very fast Dawn add up.
“I’ll never do this again. This will be the first and the last time. I promise!” Dawn 苦着一张脸 and tries to sound it as concern as she can.
“Hek~!” JJ still doesn’t want to talk with her. But actually in his heart he very enjoys seeing Dawn suffer because of him.
“Uhhh~~~~~~~” Dawn think of nothing, just can keep on 向他撒娇.
“You sure this will be the only time? No more keeping secret from me?” JJ want Dawn ensure her words. He is actually angry with her hiding herself from him. He wants Dawn relies, depends more on him.
"YES! YES! I SURE AND PROMISE!" while saying Dawn also nodded her head so hard to express her truthfully. Look at her and slowly hug her into his arm, a slight kiss on her forehead and ask
"Have you taken your dinner?"
".........Nope." Dawn sounds it so soft, she can know that what kind of reaction she will get from JJ if he know that ......
"Or should I ask that do you had any meal today?" devil voice is surrounding Dawn.
"Em .... Yup. Breakfast." Dawn is shrinking herself in JJ's arm.
"You mean that 1 bowl of rice that we had at house this morning 6 o'clock?!"
".......yes......." Dawn even close her eyes prepare to get scold by JJ.
JJ says nothing but he hug Dawn tightly and walk very fast towards car park. Dawn been force follow and shut herself up, while walking she tries to peek JJ face, devil from ice berg.

At that night, JJ brings Dawn home and cook her some meal that's help body recover and is good for body which suffer from hunger for a long period of time.


Smooth and happy shooting has change when Ms.S shows up, who act as Dawn elder sister and originally been chosen to act as main actress. In drama field, Ms.S is kind of famous and of cause is Dawn’s 前辈. Every time when the shot are just the 2 of them, Dawn will be the 箭靶, Ms.S will non stop quarrel and complaint about Dawn’s stage performance. And for a simple 1 shot Dawn has to repeat again and again. Not say it not good, is just this Ms.S said that she is a ‘perfectionist’. She can’t stand and don’t want there is a scar on a drama where she’s in it. At first Dawn try to ask for director is that scene so bad till need to repeat for so many times. Director don’t think so but he agree with what Ms.S complaint. Then Dawn knows that what she can do is pay 200% attention and act as best as she can. Also because Ms.S is前辈,Dawn has to obey in what she ordered. According to Ms.S by doing it own self just can show you’re sincere doing it. Dawn has no choice and she think if this can stop Ms.S by create other problem for her, she甘愿 to obey. This also cost Dawn been scold by her company cause she can’t be on time for SAND schedule and company think that she’s irresponsible towards SAND. Dawn feels 无奈 and helpless, but she accept it and she know this will happened when she accept this drama job. She tries hold herself by not telling anyone. But when today she steps out from manager room after another scolding, Dawn see Sam standing outside. Obviously she heard all those scolding by manager. Dawn smile warmly to Sam and tries to walk pass her.
“You 不打算 tell me what had happened on you?” When Dawn walks pass her, she asked softly. And Dawn knows that Sam is pressing herself to shout on her.
“ ....... If you don’t mind to company me walk under this cold day to our house nearby stall for my today 1st meal.” Dawn said it without stop and walking towards the entrance.
It was really cold to walk on road especially at night, and unfortunately is at night now. The 2 of them walk very fast and just took them half an hour to reach the hawker. Once reach, Dawn order 3 dishes and 2 bottle of Korean wine. It suitable to drink in this kind of day, this kind of weather, the topic they going to have.
"......." 2 of them just stare at each other.
“Ok. What you want to know?” Dawn surrender first.
“What you’ve not tell me that you should be have tell me.”
“hm…. I think got a bunch. HAHA~ Not that I don’t treat you as member, just I know that you also got things to frustrated on. So I just decided to tell you later.”
After an hour, Dawn has told out what she should or should not. Sam’s first sentence is
“You should tell me earlier. No wonder this day just after schedule you’re been call to manager oppa there. This is not your problem also. You sure no tell manager oppa all this right!” Sam confirms it.
“hehe~ If I tell don’t know will it sounds different hear by manager oppa.”
“You no try before how you know. Some more manager oppa is here to help us, not to spoil or hurt us.” Sam suddenly feels Dawn too stubborn and stupid. She even 翻白眼 to Dawn. Dawn think for awhile and decided to tell manager oppa tomorrow.
“Know what you need to do already?” Sam ask while Dawn decided to tell.
“Yup.” Scare Sam did not hear her, she nodded her head hardly.
“Ah cham! You no tell JJ also right?” Sam curiously asks. She found that this few days, Dawn was trying avoid JJ.
“Why?” Sam finds out when the topic change to JJ, Dawn is avoiding eyes contact with Sam.
“Nothing ah. Em…. Aiya this small matter no need to disturb him. Some more I don’t have the rights also.”
“Why? I thought that you ARE his girlfriend?”
“Em…. I’m not sure that am I. Or I should say, just I’m the one who think like this from the beginning.”
“What makes you think like this?” Sam feels this has destructing Dawn for a long period. “haha~ May be I think too much on it.” Dawn is trying to stop this conversation and Sam also let her be. But actually Sam already plans to held a talk with JJ.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Company has rent a whole level in one of the apartment in Seoul. TVXQ and SAND are staying next by each other. This is to let TVXQ easy to train SAND and bring them. So in the house all together will be 9 person. SAND is lead by TVXQ, and of cause the whole group will be lead by Yun Ho. One day, Dawn been asked to act in a new drama series. She not sure that is it correct to accept it, so she decided to ask for her 8 housemate also her members. They very agree and support her to try on it. With their support she feels comfort and relief to accept. Drama is a 麻雀变凤凰 story and she is the main actress. She at first thought that she’ll act as a small character , at the end the director change her to become the mail actress. She shock but happy and can’t wait to try in a new field. And now she has to be in this new field all by alone, not in SAND form.On the first day of shooting, Dawn was so nervous on it. This is her first drama first shooting. Before she goes to tv station studios, SAND members gave her a great bless and gave ang pao, wish her all the best. She feels so warm to get supported from her members. Company has asked a part-timer become Dawn’s 助理 to help out for the moment of drama shooting. When reach studios, can see many stuffs setting up for the background, machines, lighting, etc. Even Dawn is so new in this field, but because she is the main actress on this drama so 制作组 has prepare a room to her as her resting room. For Dawn with or without the room it doesn’t matter, she just hope that she can perform well. Her first shoot is SHIT, she is nervous, no expression for it, not use to it, feels shy. But after few times she’s getting better and can get into the character already. Director is kind of surprise with her performance, and glad that he has changed her to act for it. While for drama shooting, Dawn also has to attend for SAND schedule. She feels tired but happy and satisfied with it. This day Dawn nearly can’t make for SAND’s schedule because she went to hospital because she got flu and slightly fever.
“You can just take rest at home no need to rush to here.” Sam is worried of Dawn.
“Is ok. I’m fine.” Dawn looks in mirror and smile to Sam. Stylish is styling for her.
“A sick person just came from hospital how fine she can be.” Sam teasing her because she feels that Dawn is too pushing herself.
“haha~ Chil man. I really feel good.”
“You said 1 ah, if later on you faint I won’t care about you.” Sam 赌气 said already then walk away. Dawn knows that she is worried about her, she feels warm and know that she can’t disappoint her members. But her sicks is not recovering well.


When Dawn reach home, she been question by Sam, Alyn and Nat for almost 1 hours. At the end she told the whole story to them exceprt those 亲密互动 she skip. She shy to tell and don't know how they will think about her. When Dawn is alone at that night, she can't fall sleep at all. she keep on look at her phone and think back what had happen in the evening time. As her phone wallpaper is JJ, she stare at the wallpaper and talk with the wallpaper herself. Suddenly her phone rings and she saw 'HUBBY' this name appear. She very confuse and wondering who is that, at last she picks up.
"Hello my dear." the phone is call by JJ.
"Huh~! Is you!" Dawn very shock that JJ is the 'hubby'.
"You like very shock. Shock by the name or me calling you." JJ can imagine her face expression now, and on JJ face can see a warm smile.
".......both." very shy and naturally Dawn said it out.
"hahahhahahahahaha~ I knew that. Don't put my pic on my contact. I want you see 'hubby' this name when I call or sms you. Since you already put my picture as your wallpaper." JJ sound very proud and happy.
"Depends on my mood ba!" Dawn try to sound don't care.
"Hahahahahaha~ My dear so cute."
"Wei who is your dear!" Dawn now just realise her 'nickname'.
"Of cause you! Just now I call like that you also no oppose me, and that's mean agree for me.
"Like tha also can?!"
"Of cause! What are you doing over there? Looking at my picture again?"
"Who want to look at your picture!" Dawn oppose him by using shout. This more show that she eventually is doing as what JJ said. Dawn can feel her face is blushing now. She has no idea that he will call her and can know what she actually doing.
"hahahahaha~ You really cute." JJ is laugh heartily. He really happy by having Dawn with him.
"Don't say i'm cute. Even though i am."
"hahahahahahahahahahahahaha." JJ can't stop from laughing.

From that day on, once JJ got free time he will call Dawn. Even he has no time for it, he also will sms with her. Is kind of like underground couple but actually Dawn don't know is she really JJ's girlfriend. Ya~! She kind of stubborn of it. But she very happy that she got to be so close with him. When JJ is free JJ will come to her house and she will coook for him or 2 person play cooking. At the same time Sam, Alyn, and Nat got to know JJ. Co-inciddently Sam, Alyn, Nat & Dawn been discover by JJ's entertainment company and they debut as SAND.

Monday, July 21, 2008


While Dawn thinking about how to answer it, her phone rings. Ringtone Definitely is TVXQ’s song and is specially JJ’s part. And the call is from Sam.
"Wei where have you been, take so long time." Sam sound worried and impatience, she kind of worried about Dawn that’s why sounds a bit 不耐烦. Now Dawn just realizes that she has came out for long time, the girls still waiting for her food.
"Oh Oh~ em........... HEY~!" while Dawn tries to sound normal and thinking what reason to tell. In a secondof time JJ has took over the phone and answer it.
"Hello? Who is that over there?" JJ ask it politely plus some 不爽 feel there cause they've been interupted. And he wanted to know this call is from guy or girl.
“I’m the one should ask WHO ARE YOU?!” Sam feels angry and不爽 also. Just a simple talking, she already has bad impression on this no manners guy. And she has no realize that she eventually is talking with JJ.
“I’m her man!” JJ said it naturally but Dawn and Sam shock of it.
“WHAT!” shout by Sam and also Dawn.
“I think you have got it clear, and we still have things to go on. So bye bye.” Without giving Sam and Dawn any chance, JJ straight end up the phone.
“Wei! How can you do like that?” Dawn big-eyes look at JJ close up her phone.
“Why cannot?”“This is my phone eh. And is my call eh.”
“But she is interrupting us, so can’t be forgive.”
“WHAT!” Dawn think that he is out of his mind.
"Em.... So what now?! I really have to go by NOW! AS IS NOW!" Dawn already has out of strength to argue to 纠缠 with him. JJ looks at her, took over her phone and key something in her phone. Dawn can't peek from her angle.
"I've key in my personal phone number and the others phone number to you, you can call me anytime." Once JJ key in finish and pass back phone to her.
"Why have to be i'm the one who call you, you can't call me meh?" Dawn feel unfair and whispering herself.
"I will call you as long as i have time." JJ said it souftly and turn Dawn's face to him. A slightly kiss on her forehead and lips.
"You can call me what ever time you want, when you miss me, got any trouble, got any worried, whatever things you want to tell can just sms me or call me. My personal phone will on 24 hours just for you." When saying this the 2 of them is looking each other so closely.
"You sure that i can disturb you anytime?" Dawn unsurely ask for JJ.
"Yup! Need I fecth you back?" while asking Dawn, JJ happily rub her face, play her face.
"nooenfk, i caneoe bakredoi bay .... " Dawn can't say it properly and take down JJ's hands and said again.
"No need, I can go back by myself. I still got things need to buy."
"Then .... MUACKS" A big kiss on Dawn's lips.
"HEY~!" Dawn try to sounds fierce but it turns 撒娇.
"hahahahahahahahhahahahaha" JJ really happy and enjoying bully Dawn.
"I go now!" said it fast and very fast slip out from car, and run away from him.
"REMEMBER TO MISS ME O~!" Dawn is actually in the opposite road, JJ shout out and drive away. Left Dawn alone blushing and been stare by others passerby. Dawn eventually can imagine and heard JJ scream with laughter.

Friday, July 18, 2008


At last, weird girl can't stand of JJ's 眼神 and 迷迷糊糊,傻傻 tell everything about herself to JJ.
Dawn, 23 years old, girl came from Malaysia, still a girl that haven't been go after before, currently staying with other 3 girls, got one yourger sister in Malaysia, love to cook, don't actually know what is 'in a relationship'.

"You mean that you did not have a boyfriend before?" JJ sound suprise and big-eyed looking at her.
"....WHY~!? Cannot?" Dawn blush straightly and also voice up when she saw JJ's expression. She feel like JJ is teasing her.
"Nope! But I'm very happy with it!" JJ sound it so happy and hug her stragiht away.
"Wei! What are you trying to do la?!" Dawn is really scare, excited, happy, worried. JJ is like totally not undercontrol.
"hm .... trying to KISS you." JJ telling softly besides Dawn's ears and while telling he also badly blow air to her ears.
"Wei~ you tell then tell la, don't tell besides my ears la. And let me go, you can find hundred million girls that are muct better than me. They are so willing to let you kiss. I'm just a normal citizens and an abnormal behaciour, attitude, thinking girl." Dawn sound shivery and angry. She affraid that she will jump into JJ's world and 永不超生. Sound serious, but she don't want let herself place in a difficult situation. As JJ is an artist, some more was those very famouns that kind. She don't know and not sure how far is true that she can believe and trust on. Althought she very into him.
"You not willing to let me kiss?" JJ sound so sad and his face is showing sad also.
"OF CAUSE NOT!" Dawn say it fast and loud, after that she stund for 2 second and just reliaze that what had she said. A ripe tomato is best describe on Dawn's face.
"I don't mean ........" Dawn try to explain, but she has no chance to do so. JJ already use his lips seal up Dawn's lips already. Dawn is totally shock of it and can't move at all. She has no idea how and what to react. Just big-eyed looking at him.
"Don't you know when kissing, you have to close up your eyes." JJ slightly leave off Dawn's lips. Their lips just a slightly by inches away. Dawn is not totally senseless, JJ more hug her in his arm and this time he no more softly kiss on her lips. JJ don't give a break to Dawn and give her a unforgettable kiss.

20 minutes later JJ just let go her because he know that Dawn needs air, and 2 of them short of breath. At that time Dawn just awake from senseless. When she realize that she was so enjoy as JJ as, she feel shy and shame on herself. She don't know how to face JJ, don't know how he think about her. Will he think her as a cheap girl, can easily kiss with others. She know that she's not, but it doesn't mean for JJ.
JJ lift up Dawn's head and face to face with him. In Dawn's eyes he saw Dawn are resist to face with him.
"Tell me what are you thinking." JJ asking in an insist tone.
"...... Why you kiss me? Can it be? Why am i? Why ...." State of helplessness express in her voice and show in her eyes.
JJ place their forehead together, looking in each others eyes.
"I also don't know why is you. From the first day i met you, in every moment of time, in the ordinary course of events i will just think of you even though i did not know you. I had tried myself but i can't. Your image keep on float in my mind, you had enter in my database that how also can't be delete. Hm .... i should take some compensate from you that you cause my mind can't stop thinking about you." Chicky smile on JJ face again.
"EH! Not my probelm eh. How can you blame on me. If want to calculate you are the one should pay me. I've knew you for 4 years already, 4 years ago you have already invaded in my life. You even invaded in my dream. My around friends feel that i'm so abnormal like a person such like you. (JJ is frowning about this statement) Anyhow, you have physically, mentally invaded my life. So how should you compensate me?" Dawn sounds gratefully and 挑眉 look at JJ.
"haha~~ My lovely Dawn, I'll let you punish as how you like." JJ really happy and heaved a sigh as if relieved of nervous with what Dawn had said. He actually not sure about Dawn's intention, know he can very sure that they like for each other.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


"Why you so insist to know?" the weird girl feel curious on his reaction.
"Cause i want to make sure am I right?!" can see the unsure, the nervous, the love from JJ eyes.
"Huh?! What do you mean?" the weird gril is really confuse and more curious on it.
"HaHa ~ What if I said i have fall for you when the first time I saw you." JJ is very nervaous to said so. Actually he is purposely to say it, he wanted to know how is her reaction towards him. Curious how would she react, curious her expression but more on her answer.
" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IMPOSSIBLE!" she was so shock and 瞪大眼睛 looking at him.
"Why not?"
"Cause ..... Cause ..... Cause you are JJ eh~!" she still having the same post same expression.
"So? Doesn't mean that I can't fall for you."
"But .... But ......................" because of JJ 深情的眼神 weird gril can't talk normally.
"Em Hm .... But what?"
"...........I don't know la. I have to go now already." weird girl really can't believe it and try to escape from it to get some air to clear her mind.
"You think you still can go off easily from me?"
"Eh .... where got?!"
"This is not the first time we met, and also not the first time we bump into each others."
"EH~!" the weird gril try so hard to think and think.
"Ah ~!"
"It seems like you have remember." JJ chiky smiling looking at her.
"eh .......... So what you want now?" she answer with face blush and sounds a bit 在撒娇.
"First tell me your DETAIL profile." JJ look her with a winning and chicky smile.


Already 1 week after saw that weird girl. No matter how time goes by, the weird gril image still very clear in his mind. He tried to forget about her but her can't. So now he appear at the supermarket again. He was thinking that whether are they fated to meet each other again.

*pong* ACCIDENT bump a girl and a guy. 2 even fall on floor.

"ouch~!" both sound out together. Imediately look each other.
"~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" speechless for the girl. Can't speaks out a word and just keep on stare on JJ.
"Em .... Are you ok?" gently JJ ask the girl. Actually he scare weird girl get hurt, cause he can feel just know the
"Hello....???? Anyone stays inside?" while saying JJ uses his hand to knock werid girl's head.
"Hei~! It hurts~!" by saying so the weird girl use her hand to rub her head and her arm. Her arm get hurts when fall down that time and JJ saw it.
"Your arm is bleeding!"
"Oooo is ok, just a small matter. Later put plaster on can already." sound unseriously, and she plan to walk off from him again. JJ realize and quickly hold her hand and instaed walk in to supermarket, he bring her to his car. Without realizing the weird girl been bring up to JJ's car.
"Ouch~! Oh man, softer a bit please." When awake by the pain from injured part, weird girl just realize she already been place in JJ's car behind sit and he is cleaning her arm. At the same time weird girl can feel they are so near, she even can smell his hair with shampoo smell. Straight awasy her face blush, really like a tomato.
"Sorry, i'll try my best to do as soft as i can." by washing her injured arm, applied med, JJ also blow it while doing it. He think it may help to reduce the pain.
"Still feel pain?" after applied the med, the looks up and see the weird girl face in abnormal red.
"hm.... are you ok? Need to go hospital?" JJ looks very worried and check her arm, her forehead, her face.
"............... oh! ya! ya! .......I'm fine" at last the weird girl found her voice to talk, and more blush cause her mind just fly away by staring at JJ.
"Glad that you are fine."
"You worried on me?"
"Ya. I cause you fall down."
"Not all your fault also, I also got wrong, i just keep on looking and my phone."
"Why? Got something special?"
"Nope is JJ's newest.............." when the weird girl try to tell JJ that her phone JJ newest magaxine picture and has become her wallpaper. She stund and blush cause she saw JJ chiky smile. She just realize how stupid she is.
"I have to go now." she feel shy and shame if she stay longer at there.
"But you haven't show me what you have in your phone." JJ not letting her go off so easy, and he don't want she left without telling him her profile.
"HUH~! Em....... is just..... hm..... nothing special on it." the weird girl is trying so hrad to get out of the car. But JJ reach her hand and grab her place between him and the sofa.
They've been look at each other for a century long.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Since Sam, Alyn ,Nat & Dawn become SAND, a grils group that started in Korea. They are so busy in it, and they've been working out together with anouther guys group TVXQ. A sub story has begun and all this is because of FOOD.

A girl who so loves to cook & sings. SAND have been in Korea for almost 3 months. When SAND start up till now, Dawn have no chance to cook at all and everyday eat either korea food or fast food. At first is very enjoy and love with it, but it get bored by now. Since to day is a day which free of anything, so Dawn decided to cook for the 3 members. Eventhough she is ok with it but she think is a hard time for the others members. So now Dawn is shopping for her cooking ingredients aat her house nearby supermarket. This is the first time she actually shop in korea shupermarket. She so enjoying by shopping alone. listen to mp3 which full with TVXQ's songs and sings it out also. Although not loud, not noisy, but the people who walk by her will turn back and look at her once more. No care with how the way the people staring at her, she just be herself and having fun happy with it. Who cares ~! But she had no notice that she has been marked by a guy!

It has been a long time JJ has no cook for his members. Since the schedule is till 5pm only, so he decided to cook for his members. And because they not always staying in their house, so naturally there are nothing for him to cook. So he have to go out to hunt. JJ went to a farer supermarket to avoid causing trouble. While he steps in to supermarket, he accidently bump in with a girl that he has no noticed. He very fast face down and said "sorry". He scare been noticed, but the girl is out of his expectation, the girl no look at him at all, heard he say sorry then reply back with is ok then went off. First time JJ feel weird and that got girl just walk off from him easily, without see who is he. A curious and some unnotice feel came to him. JJ think for a while and no taking into heart and start his shopping . While he reach selling pork section, he hear a girl talking and argueing by herself, asking herself which packet of pork should she buy. She seems struggling at here for a while already. JJ curious about her, and looks up. Is the girl that he just bump in. He saw many expression shown on her face and JJ feel she is funny and weird. At last, she got to choose and walk to another section and JJ also silently following her. A while later, he just found out that most of the songs she listen is TVXQ's songs (because she got sing it out that's why JJ know it).
While following her, he noticed that lots of people stare her as a weird foreigner that talking with herself in broken korean, singing herself, suddenly looks sad, suddenly looks happy. When he realised most of the songs she sing is TVXQ's songs, out of a suddent he wanted to know who is the person she likes most in TVXQ. While thinking of it, the weird girl's phone ring, again use TVXQ's song as ringtone. Out of suddent of nervous, waiting her to answer her phone, guessing who will be her wallpaper choice. "YES!" accidently, happily shout out by JJ. 1.... 2.... 3.... second of silent, JJ face blush and the weird girl just look him as a NOISY guy and quickly walk off. JJ still blushing there but he feel very happy and excited. He saw himself in that girl's phone as wallpaper! At this moment of time he has no idea why he will act like this, whitout thinking twice he continue follow the werid girl, even follow her till her accomadation. Eventhough he had not buy anything but he got to hunt a precious.